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S. Stewart, 1836; property insurance policy (Middlesex Mutual Term life insurance Organization) in order to Tilly Merrick, 1833, which have vilkaise tätä verkkosivustoa 1836 note out of transfer from exact same in order to Phineas Just how

Shipment details, 1780-1786, incorporate expenses of lading, constitution functions, a certificate out of tonnage toward schooner Sally, a manifest toward watercraft Mercury, and you will a notification regarding a deserter on Mercury. Sc company documents, 1785-1793, tend to be financial or other documents concerning the relationship out-of Merrick & Movement, a couple listings titled “Variety of Stuff to own Western Change,” and documents away from Asa Tourtellot’s exercise fuel out of attorney getting Tilly Merrick.

Possessions data files, 1786-1809, contain: a one-year lease (1786) by the Tilly Merrick to help you his cousin Augustus to have 640 acres inside South carolina; Ephraim Wood plan of your own Calf Pasture from inside the Concord, owned by Tilly Merrick, 1797, and 1etter, Francis J. Merrick to help you Nathan Brooks, February 18, 1836, about your aura from the pasture; bond, Jonathan Torrey while some in order to Tilly Merrick, per property into the Plainfield, Massachusetts, 1797; lease, Tilly Merrick to Ephraim Jones, 1798, having house house and you may possessions into the Concord; revenue at the public auction so you’re able to Tilly Merrick out-of domestic from the home out of Age Crosby (Jonas Lee, auctioneer), 1805, and you can acknowledgment to possess fee on the preceding; lease of grist factory during the “the middle of . . . Concord around the Conference House,” Tilly Merrick in order to John Trumbull, 1809; action, Tilly Merrick to help you Samuel Hoar, to have property when you look at the Concord, 1828; conveyance out of assets into the Concord, Tilly Merrick so you can Phineas How, 1835; conveyance regarding possessions for the Concord, Tilly Merrick to Phineas How and you will R.

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